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The Publican and the Pharisee: Entering the Triodion Season

We have crossed the threshold into the Triodion season. This season reminds us that we are being charged with the goal of  re-directing our attention towards Christ. With the knowledge that Great and Holy Lent is not a time of year to be taken lightly; with the knowledge that in order to be fully prepared for the glorious resurrection of Christ we must first turn inward on ourselves and inspect our own souls. When we are ready, we must approach the foot of the holy altar where we then ask ourselves if we are prepared to receive the Holy Light in. Every year this season of preparation begins with the story of the Publican and the Pharisee.  The Pharisee, a well known and respected leader of the temple, who knows and follows all of the rules, walks to the center of the temple and as the Gospel passage says “Begins to pray with himself.” "Thank you God that I am not like other men, especially like that tax collector over there!” At the same time, that very tax collector, a ...
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Love your Enemies

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Our Role as a Member of the Body of Christ

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Who is Judas Iscariot?

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CrossFit as Asceticism

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Stewards of Creation

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That's What it's all About

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