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Showing posts from February, 2018

CrossFit as Asceticism

It has been a year now since I first stepped foot into Big Shoulders CrossFit. It was not of my own direction but simply because one evening I received a text message from my coach Ryan, asking if I was interested in checking out what the gym had to offer.  I always had goals of reaching a certain level of fitness, but was never able to make a lot of progress by myself. When I finished grad-school in 2015 I weighed in at 6'2" and 149 lbs. In laymen's terms borderline malnourished, and I can assure you there was nothing wrong with my appetite. What was wrong with me is that I was not feeding myself properly, nutritionally or physically, and by consequence spiritually as well. From December 2015 until June 2016 I recognized that I needed to make a change and started on a consistent work-out routine. This was successful for a time, I put on about 8 pounds, I was eating well, I was feeling good, but a problem arose. After a few months it became too easy to justify...