We have now embarked on our fourth day of Holy Week, the betrayal of Christ is imminent, but do we truly understand the gravity of what transpires the night Jesus is arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane? The name Judas is familiar to us, colloquially we throw his name around when we are slighted by a friend of ours, usually referring to a minor laps in trust or perhaps an ill advised joke. We make light of the betrayal of Christ into the hands of the Sanhedrin and compare an acquaintance of ours to the one who sentenced Christ to death. In actuality it is unfair for us to use the name of Judas in this manner, there was more than one disciple named Judas, the Gospel of John uses his surname to differentiate between Judas, the one who betrayed Christ, and another named Judas who was part of the 12. (John 14:22, Mark 6:3) What we do know of Judas is limited to the Gospel narrative, much else needs to be filled in by what we know about Christ and the Apostles, as revealed to us throu...