For God So Loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son. John 3:16. This passage was read this past week, as the Sunday before the great feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14th). If there is any passage we have memorized, it is this one; and we can give thanks to that by how enamored our Evangelical brothers and sisters are with this passage. They post it on billboards, bumper stickers, and you can even find it tattooed on some peoples bodies. However, with how liberally the Evangelical community likes to throw around the numbers 3:16, it shows me that many of them do not understand the gravity of this statement. We were created to be with God, to be like God, but we (mankind) fell away from that likeness. It has since been a constant battle with ourselves and the devil to reclaim our place in heaven with God. We fell so far from grace, that, as St. Athanasius says, "God became man, so that we might become God." Christ came into this w...